PGS. TS. Trần Văn Quảng


Currently, I am working for Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunications VNU University of Engineering and Technology.

I have more than 20 years of experience in teaching and doing research on theoretical and computational physics. By using various calculation techniques, I can explore several properties of materials, e.g., thermoelectric, magnetic, and spintronics properties, which can connect to a wide range of physical and mechanical applications. My research results have been published in qualified ISI journals.

I have completed several research projects, e.g. NAFOSTED, and University Projects in the last ten years as the principal investigator. I participated in several international activities and projects, e.g. Russian-Vietnam, ICTP activities, etc. My research can hybrid with different areas, from calculation to experiment and technology.

Lecture subjects:

  1. Electrical Engineering (Kỹ Thuật điện)
  2. Probability and Statistics (Xác suất thống kê)
  3. Engineering electromagnetics (Kỹ thuật điện từ)
  4. Quantum Physics for engineers (Vật lý hiện đại)