Lê Xuân Lực

TS. Lê Xuân Lực
Email : xuanluc.le@vnu.edu.vn
Office: 704 Room, E3 Building

I, Giới thiệu

TS. Lê Xuân Lực tốt nghiệp khóa K53 chuyên ngành Cơ Điện Tử, Viện Cơ Khí, Đại học Bách Khoa Hà Nội, hoàn thành chương trình Thạc sĩ chuyên ngành kỹ thuật Cơ Điện Tử tại Đại học Bách Khoa Hà Nội, tốt nghiệp tiến sĩ tại Đại học Khoa học và Công nghệ Quốc gia Seoul, Hàn Quốc. TS. Lực có kinh nghiệm trên 8 năm làm việc trực tiếp tại các pháp nhân của công ty Samsung Hàn Quốc ở các vị trí kỹ sư cũng như quản lý phó, trưởng phòng và trên 10 năm làm việc đối tác với các công ty của Hàn Quốc cũng như các công ty toàn cầu. Có 1 năm nghiên cứu sau tiến sĩ tại Đại học Khoa học và Công nghệ Quốc gia Seoul, Hàn Quốc.

II, Giảng dạy

2) Programming robot with ROS
3) Logic Control and PLC
4) Robot Sensing and Measurement
5) Advanced Topics in Robotics
6) CIM System in industry
7) Special Topics in Distributed Robot
8) MEMS Technology
9) Semiconductor IC Engineering
10) Semiconductor Packaging Technology

III, Hướng nghiên cứu

MEMS: MEMS Technology and Semiconductor Packaging System included materials science, numerical simulation analysis, flexible-device, deformation, stress-strain, cracks, thermal-electrics, vibration dynamic, buckling, chip IC packaging, flip-chip, semiconductor engineering, MEMS technology, MEMS-sensor (MEMS IMU, MEMS Gyroscope, MEMS Accelerometer devices, MEMS vertical probe card), micro solar-cell, flexible display screen, micro level-wafer, micro-interconnection structure, CMOS-MEMS technologies. Optimization of design, lifespan for MEMS device and semiconductor packaging structure using Numerical simulation and Machine learning (AI).

Robot/ AI: Automation systems in smart factories and optimization such as Robot Operating System (ROS 1, 2), Slam-Automation Guided Vehicle (AGV), AGV using Mecanum & Omni Wheel, Slam Robot AGV, Robot Lift Battery Charge System, Animal and Humanoid Robot, Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU), Development of algorithms, Proportional Integral Derivative (PID), Production Automation Systems, AGV Control System (ACS), AI control system (AICS), etc. Design and develop automation machine and using NX, Inventor, Solidwork, and CAM on CNC machine for smartphone fabricated process

IV, Công Bố


1. Xuan Luc Le, Xuan Bach Le, Yuhwan Hwangbo, Jiho Joo, Gwang-Mun Choi, Yong-Sung Eom, Kwang-Seong Choi, Sung-Hoon Choa. “Mechanical Reliability Assessment of a Flexible Package Fabricated Using Laser-Assisted Bonding “, Micromachines (MDPI), Vol. 14, No. 3, pp. 601, March 2023 – SCIE (IF 3.49, Q2). https://doi.org/10.3390/mi14030601 

2. Xuan Luc Le, Kihoon Kim, Sung-Hoon Choa. “Analysis of Temperature Stability and Change of Natural Frequency of a Capacitive MEMS Accelerometer”, International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing (IJPEM), pp. 1-13, January 2022 – SCIE (IF 2.1, Q2) https://doi.org/10.1007/s12541-021-00602-1 

3. Xuan Luc Le, Sung-Hoon Choa. “Design of new Au-NiCo MEMS vertical probe for fine pitch wafer-level probing”, Crystals Journal (MDPI), Organic Crystalline Materials, Organic Optoelectronic Materials (Volume II), Vol. 11, No. 5, 485, April 2021 – SCIE (IF 2.57, Q2). https://doi: 10.3390/cryst11050485 

4. Xuan Luc Le, Han Eul Lee, and Sung-Hoon Choa. “Deformation Behavior of Various Interconnection Structures Using Fine Pitch MEMS Vertical Probe”, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Vol. 21, No. 5, pp. 2949-2958, May 2021 – SCIE- American Scientific Publishers (ASP). https://doi:10.1166/jnn.2021.19132 

5. Young il Kim, Xuan Luc Le, Sung-Hoon Choa. “Reliability Assessment of Flexible InGaP/GaAs Double-Junction Solar Module Using Experimental and Numerical Analysis”, Journal of Microelectronics and Packaging Society, Vol. 26, No. 4, pp. 75-82, Dec. 2019 – KCI. https://doi.org/10.6117/kmeps.2019.26.4.075 


1. Xuan Luc Le, Xuan Bach Le, Sung-Hoon Choa. “Optimized Design of MEMS Vertical Probe Card Using DOE in Numerical Simulation”, Celebrating the 30th anniversary of the Korea Microelectronics and Packaging Society and 2022 regular academic conference (KMEPS – April 6(Wed.)~7(Thu.), 2022, Suwon Convention Center, Suwon, Korea).

2. Xuan Luc Le, Duc Thinh Vuong, Sung-Hoon Choa. “Improvement of Reliability and Flexibility for Flexible Solar Cell with Filled Structure and Optical Adhesive”, The 19th International Symposium on Microelectronics and Packaging (ISMP – November 3(Wed.)~5(Fri.), 2021, Hanwha Resort, Busan, Korea).

3. Xuan Luc Le, Duc Thinh Vuong, Sung-Hoon Choa. “Lifespan prediction and durability of MEMS vertical probe using various interconnection structures”, The 19th International Symposium on Microelectronics and Packaging (ISMP – November 3(Wed.)~5(Fri.), 2021, Hanwha Resort, Busan, Korea).

4. Xuan Luc Le, Duc Thinh Vuong, Min-Young Kim and Sung-Hoon Choa. “Reliability lifespan prediction of MEMS vertical probe using various interconnection structures”, Korean Society for Precision Engineering 2021 Autumn Conference (KSPE – November 24(Wed.)~26(Fri.), 2021, Busan, Korea)

5. Xuan Luc Le, Duc Thinh Vuong, Choa Sung-Hoon. “Fatigue Life Estimation and Durability of MEMS Vertical Probe”, 2021년 정기학술대회 및 김영호, 오태성 교수님 정년기념 특별심포지엄 – “2021 Regular Academic Conference and Special Symposium to Commemorate the Retirement of Professors Young-Ho Kim and Tae-Sung Oh” (KMEPS, April 15, 2021, Seoul, Korea).

6. Xuan Luc Le, Duc Thinh Vuong, Choa Sung-Hoon. “Investigation of thermal distribution and deformation of flexible chip-on-film (CoF) using laser”, 2021년 정기학술대회 및 김영호, 오태성 교수님 정년기념 특별심포지엄 – “2021 Regular Academic Conference and Special Symposium to Commemorate the Retirement of Professors Young-Ho Kim and Tae-Sung Oh” (KMEPS, April 15, 2021, Seoul, Korea).

7. Xuan Luc Le, Duc Thinh Vuong, Choa Sung-Hoon. “Design Optimization of MEMS Vertical Probe Card Using Numerical Analysis” 2020년 정기학술대회 및 6G/5G 전자패키징기술 특별심포지엄 – “2020 Regular Conference and 6G/5G Electronic Packaging Technology Special Symposium” (ISMP2020-KMEPS-3rd, November 12 2020, Seoul, Korea).

8. Xuan Luc Le, Kim Young Il, Duc Thinh Vuong, Choa Sung-Hoon. “Bonding Technology of Flexible Electronic Devices Using Laser”, 2020년 정기학술대회 및 6G/5G 전자패키징기술 특별심포지엄 – “2020 Regular Conference and 6G/5G Electronic Packaging Technology Special Symposium” (ISMP2020-KMEPS-3rd, November 12 2020, Seoul, Korea).

9. Xuan Luc Le, Duc Thinh Vuong, Cho Chun Dong, Park Hoo Chun, Choa Sung-Hoon. “Analysis of Reliability and Durability of Pogo Pin for System Memory Devices” 2020년 정기학술대회 및 6G/5G 전자패키징기술 특별심포지엄 – “2020 Regular Conference and 6G/5G Electronic Packaging Technology Special Symposium” (ISMP2020-KMEPS-3rd, November 12 2020, Seoul, Korea).

10. Xuan Luc Le, Cha Ji-Hoon, Lee Han Eul, Choa Sung- Hoon. “Numerical Analysis of Pad Deformation and Penetration with Fine Pitch MEMS Vertical Probe Tip”, The 18th International Symposium on Microelectronics and Packaging – 21st International Conference on Electronic Materials and Packaging (ISMP – EMAP November 13-15 2019, Busan, Korea).

11. Xuan Luc Le. “Effect of Geometrical Dimension on the Phenomenon of Slippage the Gear Profile in Hypogerotor Pump”, The 6TH Annual Conference of VIETNAMESE Young Scientists (May 21 2019, Seoul, Korea).

V, Giải thưởng

Best Presentation Award “Bonding Technology of Flexible Electronic Devices Using Laser” Korean Microelectronic and Packaging Society (KMEPS) conference, 12th November 2020, Seoul, Korea.

Best Paper Award “Modelling of Peeling Process of Adhesive Tape for Electromagnetic Interference Shielding” The 19 International Symposium on Microelectronics and Packaging (ISMP) conference, 5th November 2021, Busan, Korea. 

VI, Dự án đã tham gia

1. Development of an integrated (Probe/space transformer) 50 µm pitch vertical MEMS probe card for highly integrated semiconductors (Grant Number 10080743), Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy (MOTIE), KOREA (150,000 USD), 2017.07.01-2019.12.31

2. Development of probe card technology for fine pitch TSV and FO package test (Grant Number 20000874), Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy (MOTIE), KOREA (500,000 USD), 2018.05.01- 2022.12.31

3. Development of Equipment and Thermal Process Technology for Flexible Display and Devices (Grant Number 20000352), Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy (MOTIE), KOREA (150,000 USD), 2018.07.01- 2020.12.31.

4. Development of thin photovoltaic module over 25% efficiency based on micro solar cells for mobile applications (Grant Number 20183010014310), Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy (MOTIE), KOREA (120.000 USD), 2018.06.01-2022.12.31.

5. Standardization Platform Buildup for Wearable Smart Devices and Components (Grant Number 10078300), Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning, Republic of Korea. (150.000 USD), 2017.04.01- 2019.12.31

6. Localization of Power Module Burn In Test Pogo Pin, A technology development support project for materials, parts and equipment in Chungbuk, Korea (30.000 USD), 2020.05.01- 2021.02.28.

7. Gyro sensor and controller for Haegung/ Cheongung II explorer” (Grant Number C210028), MINISTRY OF TRADE, INDUSTRY AND ENERGY IN THE REPUBLIC OF KOREA (150.000 USD), 2021.12.22- 2024.12.21

8. Development of selective EMI shielding technology for system semiconductor package, Ministry of SMEs and Starups in Korea (150.000 USD), 2020.10.01- 2023.09.31

9. Improvement of current carrying capacity of spring pin, Project from TSE company in Korea (50.000 USD), 2022.04.01-2022.09.31

10.Startup project “Design intelligent door system at Vinhome Riverside in Hanoi” device operated successfully at Vinhome Riverside in Hanoi from 2016.

11. Many projects of Samsung Electronics Vietnam (SEV-SEVT) and Samsung Display Vietnam (SDV)