Danh sách công trình công bố (cập nhật đến tháng 05/2022)

1 TH Vu, HT Nguyen, JW Fastier-Wooller, CD Tran, TH Nguyen, …, Enhanced Electrohydrodynamics for Electrospinning a Highly Sensitive Flexible Fiber-Based Piezoelectric Sensor, ACS Applied Electronic Materials, volume 4, issue 3, pp. 1301 – 1310
2 MH Luu, T van Walsum, HS Mai, D Franklin, TTT Nguyen, TM Le, …, Automatic scan range for dose-reduced multiphase CT imaging of the liver utilizing CNNs and Gaussian models, Medical Image Analysis, volume 78, issue , pp. 102422 – 102422
3 MH Luu, T van Walsum, HS Mai, D Franklin, TTT Nguyen, TM Le, …, Automatic scan range for dose-reduced multiphase CT imaging of the liver utilizing CNNs and Gaussian models, Medical Image Analysis, volume 78, issue , pp. 102422 – 102422
4 Tran Cao Quyen, Underwater source localization using cylindrical hydrophone array and Riemannian matched field processing, AKUSTIKA, volume 42, issue , pp. 7 – 13
5 S Cong Lam, TH Pham, XN Tran, Uplink performance of nonorthogonal multiple access ultradense networks with power control, International Journal of Communication Systems, volume , issue , pp. 5069 –
6 T Van Quang, M Kim, Doping level and environment dependence of structural stability and magnetic properties in Mn-doped WS2 bilayer in first principles, Current Applied Physics, volume , issue , pp.  –
7 T Van Quang, H Kim, M Kim, First Principles Investigation on Electrically Controlled Magnetic Moments of Ultrathin Palladium Film on MgO (001), Journal of Magnetics, volume 27, issue 1, pp. 35 – 41
8 H PhiCong, S Perry, E Cheng, X HoangVan, Objective Quality Assessment Metrics for Light Field Image Based on Textural Features, Electronics, volume 11, issue 5, pp. 759 – 759
9 TH Vu, HT Nguyen, JW Fastier-Wooller, DDH Tran, TH Nguyen, T Nguyen, …, Electric Field-Enhanced Electrohydrodynamic Process For Fabrication of Highly Sensitive Piezoelectric Sensor, 2022 IEEE 35th International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems …, volume , issue , pp.  –
10 K Abed-Meraim, A Hafiane, NL Trung, Sparse Subspace Tracking in High Dimensions, ICASSP 2022-2022 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and …, volume , issue , pp.  –
11 T Nhu, PD Hung, TD Ngo, Distributed Self-organized Collective Motion Control with Layered Structure for Robot Swarm, 2022 8th International Conference on Mechatronics and Robotics Engineering …, volume , issue , pp.  –
12 X HoangVan, D Nam, An efficient regression method for 3D object localization in Machine vision systems, IAES International Journal of Robotics and Automation, volume 11, issue 2, pp. 1 – 12
13 HP Cong, X HoangVan, et al., Ổn định chất lượng ảnh light field dựa trên bộ mã hóa video phân tán thế hệ mới, Journal of Science and Technology on Information and Communications, volume 2022, issue , pp.  –
14 HP Cong, X HoangVan, Nghiên cứu ảnh hưởng của diểm lấy nét dối với các mô hình đánh giá chất lượng ảnh light field, Journal of Science and Technology on Information and Communications, volume 2022, issue , pp.  –