Danh sách công trình công bố (cập nhật đến tháng 10/2023)

No Authors Title Year Source Type
1 HA Phan, PV Nguyen, THT Khuat, HD Van, DHQ Tran, BL Dang, TT Bui, … A sensor fusion approach for improving implementation speed and accuracy of RTAB-Map algorithm based indoor 3D mapping 2023 2023 20th International Joint Conference on Computer Science and Software … Conference paper
2 DHQ Tran, HA Phan, HD Van, T Van Duong, TT Bui An Enhanced Sampling-Based Method with Modified Next-Best View Strategy For 2D Autonomous Robot Exploration 2023 2023 20th International Joint Conference on Computer Science and Software … Conference paper
3 AT Dinh, TD Pham, DTH Pham, Y Hayasaki, QD Pham Combination of two in-line digital holograms for high accuracy nanoparticles tracking 2023 Biomedical Imaging and Sensing Conference Conference paper
4 CT Nhu, TD Dinh, PN Dang, CV Manh, TB Thanh Development of a Compact System to Recognize 26 Letters in American Sign Language Alphabet Based on Flexible Ionic Liquid Strain Sensors 2023 2023 20th International Joint Conference on Computer Science and Software … Conference paper
5 LB Hung, LS Cong, T Duc-Tan, S Khruahong Different User Classification Algorithms of FFR technique 2023 International Conference on Intelligent Systems &Networks 2023 (ICISN 2023) Conference paper
6 QA Nguyen, NTC Nguyen, SHH Nguyen, PTK Doan, NH Thinh, TH Tran, … Improving Classification of Curved Chromosomes in Karyotyping using CNN-based Deformation 2023 2023 IEEE Statistical Signal Processing Workshop (SSP) Conference paper
7 NT Nguyet, D Van Nhat, DV Hung, N Khanh, PN Thao, NT Xuan A case report: Ruptured aneurysm with a wide neck treated by flow diverter stent and coil embolization 2023 Radiology Case Reports Journal article
8 AGT Nguyen, HT Tran, CV Tran, BND Pham, HN Nguyen, HN Nguyen, … Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective Activities of Paris polyphylla Sm. Rhizome Extract in Cyclophosphamide-Induced Hepatic Damaged Mice. 2023 Tropical Journal of Natural Product Research Journal article
9 LN Quynh, VV Doanh, PN Thao Cost‐effective fast prototyping using a dry film photoresist for micromixers towards point‐of‐care devices 2023 Vietnam Journal of Chemistry Journal article
10 J Ngarambe, PN Duhirwe, T Van Quang, JA Nzarigema, GY Yun Coupling convolutional neural networks with gated recurrent units to model illuminance distribution from light pipe systems 2023 Building and Environment Journal article
11 LP Nguyen, HM Dang, HV Vu, TH Ho, TAD Kieu, H Le Vu, M Christina, … Developing a School-Based Mental Health Promotion Program Through Co-creation Approach 2023 VNU Journal of Science: Education Research Journal article
12 T Vu Quoc, V Nguyen Ngoc, BA Hoang, CP Jen, TC Duc, TT Bui Development of a compact electrical impedance measurement circuit for protein detection two-electrode impedance micro-sensor 2023 IETE Journal of Research Journal article
13 CT Nhu, PN Dang, TB Thanh, TC Duc Development of a miniaturised potentiostat for urea detection using the LMP91000 2023 Vietnam Journal of Science, Technology and Engineering Journal article
14 NC Nguyen, BA Hoang, TK Do, TT Bui, DT Chu, QL Do Development of a PCB-based passive capacitive sensor for fluidic flow detection 2023 Vietnam Journal of Science, Technology and Engineering Journal article
15 TN Chi, ND Phu, BT Tung, CD Trinh Development of Miniaturized Potentiostat for Urea Detection Using LMP91000 2023 Vietnam Journal of Science, Technology and Engineering Journal article
16 VH Le, VTK Lien, QT Tran, PT Thuy, CV Ha, VV Doanh, CH Hanh, … Effect of extended π-conjugation on photophysical characteristics of chalcone and cinnamylideneacetophenone 2023 Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing Journal article
17 U Sarac, DN Trong, MC Baykul, VC Long, PN Dang, DP Lan, Ş Ţălu Electrolyte pH dependence of composition, roughness parameters, particle diameter and magnetic features of nanostructured Fe‐Co‐Ni/ITO deposits prepared by electrochemical … 2023 Journal of Microscopy Journal article
18 HP Nam, NM Hai, N Van Huong, PD Quang, ND Tuan, NT Binh, TQ Vy Experimental study on 80 MPa grade light transmitting concrete with high content of optical fibers and eco-friendly raw materials 2023 Case Studies in Construction Materials Journal article
19 NNT Ngoc Tien Le, Truong Le-Huu, Ngoc An Nguyen, Son Xuat Ta, Khac Kiem Nguyen Gain and Frequency-Selectivity Enhancement of Dual-Polarized Filtering IBFD Antenna Using PRS 2023 Journal of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science Journal article
20 TH Duong, MK Hoàng, AV Trinh, TPT Quỳnh Giải pháp định vị trong nhà độ chính xác cao sử dụng thuật toán kNN và LSTM 2023 Journal of Military Science and Technology Journal article
21 AT Hoang, TT Vu, DQ Pham, TT Vu, TD Nguyen High precision displacement measuring interferometer based on the active modulation index control method 2023 Measurement Journal article
22 MV Xuan, PN Dang, LD Quang, HN Minh, TC Duc, TB Thanh Highly sensitive modified giant magnetometer resistance measurement system for the determination of superparamagnetic nanoparticles in continuous flow with application for the … 2023 Instrumentation Science &Technology Journal article
23 TH Vu, PN Thao, M Nishijo, T Yokawa, TT Pham, T Takiguchi, Y Nishino, … Impact of dioxin exposure on brain morphometry and social anxiety in men living in the most dioxin-contaminated area in Vietnam 2023 Journal of Psychiatric Research Journal article
24 TV Quang, CD Trinh Improve description of electronic structure of layer material BiOTe: A DFT+U+V calculation 2023 International Journal of Computational Materials Science and Engineering … Journal article
25 NS Duong, TP Nguyen, QT Nguyen, TM Dinh-Thi Improving indoor positioning system using weighted linear least square and neural network 2023 International Journal of Sensor Networks Journal article
26 SC Lam, XN Tran Improving user performance in cooperative NOMA millimeter wave networks under two-phase operation protocol 2023 AEU-International Journal of Electronics and Communications Journal article
27 NHK Trieu, HM Pham, AT Mai Initial management of acute circulatory failure in amniotic fluid embolism: A narrative review 2023 Trends in Anaesthesia and Critical Care Journal article
28 QD Pham, Y Hayasaki Low-coherence optical profilometry with multi-reflection reference mirrors for large-depth object measurement 2023 Applied Optics Journal article
29 DN Bui, TT Van Nguyen, MD Phung Lyapunov-Based Nonlinear Model Predictive Control for Attitude Trajectory Tracking of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles 2023 International Journal of Aeronautical and Space Sciences Journal article
30 DP Duc, PT Ha, NT Nguyet, ND Cuong, ND Hai, NT Nghia, D Van Nhat, … Misdiagnosis of acute basilar artery occlusion (BAOs) in the emergency department in vietnam: A single-center, retrospective, cross-sectional study 2023 Interdisciplinary Neurosurgery Journal article
31 TT Quoc, PN Dang, DN Trong, Ş Ţălu Molecular dynamics study influence of factors on the structure, phase transition, and crystallization of the Ag1-xAux, x= 0.25, 0.5, 0.75 alloy 2023 Materials Today Communications Journal article
32 QD Pham, TD Pham, Y Hayasaki Noncontact vibration measurement using three spatial-frequency shifting coherent digital holography 2023 Applied Optics Journal article
33 PN Van, AB Hoang, HT Thanh, HN Thu, HB Thu, L Do Quang Numerical calculation and analysis of a novel complex impedance sensing approach for in-flow droplet detection utilizing the C4D technique 2023 Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering Journal article
34 SC Lam, TN Thi, NT Phuong On performance of short-packet ultra-reliable and low-latency communications NOMA MIMO relay networks 2023 Physical Communication Journal article
36 SC LAM Performance Analysis and Optimization of Worst Case User in CoMP Ultra Dense Networks 2023 IEICE Transactions on Communications Journal article
37 SC LAM, BH LUU, NH NGUYEN, TM HOANG Performance of modified Fractional Frequency Reuse in Nakagami-m fading channel 2023 IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and … Journal article
38 SC Lam, XN Tran Performance of the NOMA user in FFR Millimeter Wave Networks 2023 International Journal of Electronics Journal article
39 MH Luu, HS Mai, XL Pham, QA Le, QK Le, T van Walsum, NH Le, … Quantification of liver-Lung shunt fraction on 3D SPECT/CT images for selective internal radiation therapy of liver cancer using CNN-based segmentations and non-rigid registration 2023 Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine Journal article
40 TBD Tung Dao Duc, Dong Tran Duc, Duc Le, Thao Vu Thi, An Nguyen Ngoc* Research And Synthesis Of Conductive Ppy/Cnc Polymer For Flexible Electronics Applications 2023 TNU Journal of Science and Technology Journal article
41 DT Tam, BC Nguyen, SC Lam, N Van Vinh, TN Nguyen SER performance of millimeter-wave communications with multiple reconfigurable intelligent surfaces and transmit antenna selection 2023 AEU-International Journal of Electronics and Communications Journal article
42 NP Lam, AT Mai, TC Pham, HT Kieu, HQ Nguyen Spontaneous Hepatic Rupture in a Pregnant Woman with Preeclampsia and HELLP Syndrome 2023 Case Reports in Critical Care Journal article
43 HN Dac, HTT Thuy, TV Quoc, TL Van, TC Duc, TT Bui, AN Ngoc Study on Design Optimization of a Symmetry Two-Axis Tilt Angle Capacitive Sensor 2023 IETE Journal of Research Journal article
44 L Vu, D Ho, HV Vu, QM Mai, T Huynh, NP Trinh Luong, TQ Mai Hoang, … TCTAP A-056 Six Months Follow up the Detrimental Effect of Redistribution of Flow by the Dynamic Angiography and Artificial Intelligence 2023 Journal of the American College of Cardiology Journal article
45 L Vu, M Mai, T Huynh, H Nguyen, H Trinh, VTV Anh, V Vu, DT Ho, … THE COANDA EFFECT CAUSED TURBULENCE AND DAMAGED THE INTIMA AT THE MIDDLE CORONARY SEGMENT 2023 Journal of the American College of Cardiology 81 (8_Supplement) Journal article
46 HT Nguyen, HA Nguyen, DH Tran, H Cao, CD Trinh, TT Bui, QL Do Concepts, electrode configuration, characterizations, and data analytics of electric and electrochemical microfluidic platform: a review 2023 Analyst Journal article
47 DN Phu, TV Duc, VK Solanki, LS Cong, DT Tran Interpolation synthesis of the controllers for a multi-motor electric drive system containing an elastically linked element 2023 Revista Ingeniería Solidaria Journal article
48 TT Nguyen, RW Dobbs, HG Vuong, K Quy, HTT Ngo, AT Mai, MTT Tuyet, … Single-port and multiport robot-assisted radical prostatectomy: A meta-analysis 2023 Prostate International Journal article
49 TC Su, H Vu-Dinh, SH Lin, L Do Quang, TC Duc, CP Jen The Effect of Magnetic Bead Size on the Isolation Efficiency of Lung Cancer Cells in a Serpentine Microchannel with Added Cavities 2023 Biomed Microdevices Journal article
50 Luc Nhu Quynh, Nguyen Tat Thang, Dao Thanh Toan, Pham Ngoc Thao Building Applications and Developing Digital Signature Devices based on the Falcon Post-Quantum Digital Signature Scheme 2023 Eng. Technol. Appl. Sci. Res. Journal article
51 LB Hưng, LS Công, NN Hoàng Nâng cao hiệu năng người dùng biên bằng kỹ thuật lập lịch đồng thời và học sâu 2023 Tạp chí Khoa học và Công nghệ – Đại học Thái Nguyên Journal article